Saturday, April 14, 2007


If everything we have to say is worthless and contributes nothing new to the universe, it's a wonder why we bother writing or speaking at all?

Or probably we'd want to get rid of the silence, and so we'd talk just to pepper the void with spice.

One of the features of our decadent culture is that everything has already been said. Nothing is new, the depths have been plumbed, production is merely re-production, re-packaging in an altered guise.

Or perhaps I'm wrong.

I once said to myself that I would be happy if I could experience just 5 minutes of genuine life, genuine potency, standing before life without the veil. Then another time I said a great ambition would be to write a sentence, just one sentence, that would explode and destroy the universe. By which I implied that afterwards it would be resurrected and reconfigured in an authentic form.

But maybe one of the weirdest thoughts I had was when I was about 6 and sitting in a church with my Mum. I couldn't believe I was actually alive, that I had been born. It seemed such a strange condition to find myself in. It definitely felt like I had existed before my birth. But I had no memories of any previous human incarnation, and still haven't. Perhaps this was when I first started thinking I might be God. Such was my sense of weirdness and alienation from others, this seemed like a suitable identity. Maybe this also explains why I've always taken the idea of God both seriously (I'm pretty sure I exist after all) on the one hand- always feeling I knew what was right and wrong in theology- and somewhat irreverently on the other (I can laugh at my self after all).

Yes, thats right..thats me..another one of those fellows who feels he's got his own personal hotline to the uncreated, who indeed is a receptacle of eternity and infinity.

I suppose that might be a pretty good definition of insanity, in the eyes of many?

Of course insanity is an absolutely respectable poistion to hold..provided you have a private income and don't have to pretend to be sane on a regular basis in order to make money. Or so long as you can go mad in a way shared by millions of others.

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