Friday, April 20, 2007

Deadly Cocks

Asking Americans to give up their guns is like asking them to give up their cocks.

According to a female friend in San Francisco, the above statement was vulgar. She noted I tend to be vulgar when Im depressed, which was news to me, but possibly true.

But I wonder what makes it vulgar. Would it have been vulgar if id referred to the unlikehood of Americans giving up their penises?

Ok, maybe the gun mania isnt only due to Americans phallic-destructive complex (which they do not entirely unshare with the rest of the disappointing humans)...; it might also have something to do with the fact that Americans are scared shitless of each other.

Is that why they are so friendly and bubblegum sweet to each other. A defensive push away masked in shiny fakery. Paradox sleeps with truth regularly, I find.

Not that I dont love Americans of course.

p.s. this keyboard has no apostrophes. No joke. Apostrophes to follow.


Anonymous said...

i don't see why their guns can't be reconfigured to work as water pistols only - that way they get to keep their shiny weaponry, but can't actually do too much harm. 'Twould be most amusing to see butch pumped-up Americans shooting each other with tap water.

Anonymous said...

A cock most certainly is not vulgar, my Lord. Do not believe a word of it. A pissing cock however could arguably be described as "vulgar", depending on the context of course, viz and to wit, a pissing cock, flailing about limply upon the High Table of Merton College, Oxford, at a dinner party in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire, could reasonably be described as "vulgar". I would suggest that it is the act, rather than the word, which is vulgar (although "bum-gravy" comes close).