Saturday, December 16, 2006


Francis John McConnell seems fairly sound and sorted:

"We need a type of patriotism that recognizes the virtues of those who are opposed to us. We must get away from the idea that America is to be the leader of the world in everything. She can lead in some things. The old "manifest destiny" idea ought to be modified so that each nation has the manifest destiny to do the best it can - and that without cant, without the assumption of self- righteousness and with a desire to learn to the uttermost from other nations."

As usual, the middle path between two extremes shines the greater light, waking us up from our delirious dreams.

Apparently, England have to score 557 runs in two days to avoid re-instating its traditional practice of losing the Ashes. Is 279 run a day too much to ask ? Surely not. May the spirit of Botham descend.

I reflect, amused, on how this talk of 'runs' and the 'Ashes' may be confounding my American readers. By way of a clue, think of the sport cricket (not the insect), which is a little (a very little) like your baseball but less frenetic and more gracious.

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